
In Buddhist Meditation practice, generosity or “dana ” is giving with the heart. Generosity is traditional, and essential for your meditative practice. Giving develops openness and connection with others. Dana is not necessarily about money, but can also be about service to others. Dana may not be directly to Lakeland Insight Meditation Group (LIMG.)

Dana is also about being generous to ourselves. Most of us are working and have kids, so the teachings are explicit with respect to our duties as householders. Don’t hurt yourself!

All of Lakeland Insight Meditation activities are supported by dana. LIMG is committed to providing teaching, providing a community so others can meditate together, and giving scholarships for those who can not afford a retreat. Last year we offered two one day retreats based totally on donations. We typically offer scholarships to our residential retreats, where we are charged room and board per person. We have other costs such as website maintenance and advertising. We are growing and will need a larger space soon. If you give a cash donation, we are a 501 3(c). Cash donations can be made via pay pal on our website,

Participants are allowed to make donations to the teacher, but the pay pal cash donations are directed to a bank account managed by the LIMG treasurer. Most LIMG teachers are preferring donations go to to our community.

Giving Time & Talent

LIMG is a volunteer organization, and we welcome volunteers for all kinds of tasks and community support. Please write us a note using the Contact Us form if you are interested in volunteering.


To make an online donation that is charged to your credit card, click the Donate button.

You may also send a check to:

Lakeland Insight Meditation Group
P.O. Box 8971
Lakeland, Florida 33806

Lakeland Insight Meditation Group
P.O. Box 8971
Lakeland, Florida 33806
Contact Us | Donations
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