Thoughts on “8 Mindful Steps to Happiness,” by Bhunta Gunaratana
Written by Ben Graffam.
If you’ve been in a sangha, you’ve had conversations about the nature of Buddhism. Perhaps they have been deep and reflective and moved your practice forward.
But perhaps they were, on occasion, dismissive. People comment that ...
Talaputa Sutta: To Talaputa the Actor
This reading was given during one of our Deeper Dive in The Dharma sessions. Talaputa, the head of an acting troupe, asked the Buddha, "I have heard that when an actor on the stage makes people laugh & gives them delight, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas." What does the Blessed One have to say about that?”
A Deeper Dive into Right Effort
Enjoy a few simple notes from one of our Deeper Dive in The Dharma sessions and a lecture given by our teacher.
Introduction to Right Speech on The Noble Eightfold Path
Buddhism emphasizes the cultivation of wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline. One of the core teachings that encompasses these principles is the Noble Eightfold Path, a guide to ethical and mental development leading to enlightenment and cessation of ...